Caroline Stow
Caroline has been involved in ‘making’ for as long as she can remember, and this is an essential element of her experience of being a person. She feels most alive when involved in making art. Caroline uses drawing as a thinking as well as a recording tool and is often looking for an emotional response, through fleeting and gestural marks.
'I have started printmaking in recent years and am fascinated by the tension I find between flowing, accidental and incidental marks which come to together to form a coherent image (only sometimes figurative) and the discipline needed to make crisp and clean prints. For me this is the ideal medium to meld together making and thinking. Taking elements from a range of images, drawing and prints and bringing them together in different relationships allows a set of internal dialogues to become visible. I will often spend several days making and remaking, forming and dissolving juxtapositions, using sections made using several different techniques. Finding the moment when different elements suddenly become ‘just right’ is a profound pleasure'.